Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Study Sources

Just took a test.

Financial Vocabulary Glossary for Students
It provides a listing of financial vocabulary with easy to understand definitions.

British and American Financial Terms
It lists some main differences between British and American financial terminology.

100 Essential Business English Verbs


hire a car
hire a machine
hire a DVD

The 'hire' here means to rent.
You'd pay the charge, or the rental fee to hire sth.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

dressings and sounds

jumper 工作服
cardigan 羊毛衫
sandals 涼鞋
trainers 休閒鞋

chirp 小鳥唧唧叫 説話
tick tock 嘀嗒
whoosh 嘶嘶聲 飛快移動

enchantress 女巫
brew 泡 煮 釀
gulp 狼吞虎嚥
vet 診療 調查 獸醫

live out of a suitcase

live out of a suitcase 旅居客地,提着衣箱过日子
people travelling whose only belongings are those that they bring with them
Traveling is great if you don’t mind living out of a suitcase.

bug 在口語中,有熱衷於的意思 You are fascinated by Mary.

perfectionist 完美主義者 seek for perfection

mitigate 減輕 緩和

'thorough 除了徹底完全的意思之外,還有十分仔細的意思
She's not brilliant but she's thorough.

Due Diligence 審查評鑑 ~do whatever u can to ensure everything goes well

Initial Public Offering (IPO)

true and fair 真實與公允

tier 等級

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Self-confidence vs Memory (自信 vs 記性)

zi 4 xin4 自信 confidence on myself, self-confident
ji 4 xing 4 記性 the ability to remember, memory

zi 4 and ji4 are different in the consonant.
xin4 and xing4 are also different that the latter one has a nasal tone, but you may ignore that if feel too difficult, since many mainland people cannot master it as well.