Monday, February 24, 2014

什麼人做什麼事 * The Wolf of Wall Street

明報有個專欄叫什麼人訪問什麼人,最近我一個感悟是,什麼人做什麼事。 事緣參觀了一個展覽,做customer relation的和藹可親,而operation team的則說話帶命令的語氣。





Tuesday, February 11, 2014

禮讚 * 子非魚

那日,和K說起work life balance, 她說每日工作十二個小時是很正常的,很享受。業餘,做運動,打球,煮食簡單的飯菜。悶?子非魚。

To people who are in between jobs

Sometimes people found me when they were in between jobs.  Their previous status could be an associate in a bank met a bottleneck in career,  or an analyst relocated to HK from US and sought opportunities in HK, or a VP who would like to change his career field. They shared the same point - in between jobs.   What did they do during this time? 

1. Enhance their Technical Skills

2. Brush up their Language Skills or Learn a new Language

3. Engage in Charity

4. Do part-time jobs e.g. give tutorials 

5. Run their own Business

6. Enroll in a Short Overseas Programme or Long Distance Programme

7. Stay with their Friends/ Family / Kids

8. Meet with Headhunters and Prepare for Interviews

9. Go for a trip