Wednesday, May 28, 2014

求職攻略– 普通話面試(Interview in Mandarin)

你的強項和弱項是面試常溫問問題,有些人的弱項是中英文,面試官接著問:那你做過什麼來改善弱項呢?What have you done to improve your weakness? 不想被問得口啞啞,就要勤加練習。


可能是口音(assent) 的問題,天南地北不同地方的口音不同,但萬變不離其宗,多聽聽大概就能聽懂了。

更重要的原因是,詞彙量的問題,一些淺顯常用的詞比較容易明白,相同意思的專業詞語未接觸過的話,可能就不明白了。 像英文中的 Bulge Bracket、Middle-Market、Boutique (大型、中型、小型),像中文的國企、外企、民企(State-owned, foreign invested, private enterprises)。職業不同,常用的語言也不同,像律師的語言莊重、規範、多書面語和限定詞。


version 0.5 copyright(c) 2014, Siu.


Saturday, May 10, 2014

Teaching and Learning Chinese Culture in Language Classes

Some of my ABC students who can pronounce Chinese words accurately also feel difficult to understand Chinese articles since they are not familiar with Chinese words (e.g. old sayings, new terms, idioms), rhetorical devices and Chinese cultures.  The following cultures could be included in Chinese classes.

Personal names;   Formation of Chinese characters;   Festivity;  Legendary figures; Influential historical events;  Paintings;   Music;   Martial arts;   Medicine;  Family

Friendship; Respect;  Modesty; Manhood; Female virtue; Interpersonal relationships;  Family; Social status; Patriotism; Education

Wedding (or Marriage); Funerals (or Death Rituals); Birth of a child;  Kinship; Courtship

Life and death; Confucianism; Daoism; Buddhism; Marriage; Education

Social Behavior:
Eating; Drinking (liquor, tea); Social gathering and interaction; Working; Learning

Ref:  Janet Zhiqun Xing, "Teaching and Learning Chinese as a Foreign Language   A pedagogical grammar"