football 足球 zu2 qiu2
tennis 網球 wang3 qiu2
golf 高爾夫球 gao1 er3 fu1 qiu3
sailing 滑水 hua2 shui3
going to gym 去健身 qu4 jian4 shen1
cycling 騎車 qi2 che1
running 跑步 pao3 bu4
keeping fit 健身 jian4 shen1
Cricket 板球 ban3 qiu2
a bat-and-ball team sport
Rugby 橄欖球 gan3 lan3 qiu3
In rugby, all players are allowed to handle the ball, but the ball cannot be passed forward. The ball can be kicked forward in an attempt to gain better field position or to catch the other team unaware. Also, there is no blocking allowed in rugby. It is mostly played by memebers of the upper and middle classes. "Football is a gentleman's game played by ruffians and rugby is a ruffian's game played by gentlemen."
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