谈起他的各种表演,杂技、独轮车、魔术、扭气球、哑剧、活雕像、踩高跷、演戏、栋笃笑(单口相声)、 火藝、大气球表演、木偶表演等等。我们尝试用中文介绍他的表演。
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Monday, April 22, 2013
Reading books --- 18 Popular International Schools in Hong Kong
全港18間國際學校精選, 2005年出版的,資料不是最新但仍值得參考。書中介紹了包括每所學校的特色、學費及教育法。
“例如加拿大國際學校Canadian International School的課程,是為準備考取加拿大安大略省的中學文憑Ontario Secondary School Diploma而設;漢基國際學校Chinese Internation Shool、耀中國際學校Yew Chung International School的課程,是為準備應考「國際普通中學教育文憑考試」International General Certificate of Secondary Education,簡稱IGCSE而設。他們的預科課程則為應考「國際預科文憑試」International Baccalaureate Porgram,科稱IB而設。”
Some of my past students also come from International Schools such as
- ESF - Quarry Bay School
- Singapore International School(Hongkong)
- Kiangsu - Chekiang International Sections
- American International School
- French International School
The international school students have more freedom than traditional schools. They are not bookworms. They learn knowledge through interesting games and projects.
Additionally, I find a web site http://topschools.hk/ run by Ruth Benny who is informed about HK Schools.
“例如加拿大國際學校Canadian International School的課程,是為準備考取加拿大安大略省的中學文憑Ontario Secondary School Diploma而設;漢基國際學校Chinese Internation Shool、耀中國際學校Yew Chung International School的課程,是為準備應考「國際普通中學教育文憑考試」International General Certificate of Secondary Education,簡稱IGCSE而設。他們的預科課程則為應考「國際預科文憑試」International Baccalaureate Porgram,科稱IB而設。”
Some of my past students also come from International Schools such as
- ESF - Quarry Bay School
- Singapore International School(Hongkong)
- Kiangsu - Chekiang International Sections
- American International School
- French International School
The international school students have more freedom than traditional schools. They are not bookworms. They learn knowledge through interesting games and projects.
Additionally, I find a web site http://topschools.hk/ run by Ruth Benny who is informed about HK Schools.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Busines Chinese textbooks
If you want to learn Business Mandarin, I have two textbooks to recommend:
Advanced Business Chinese, Economy and Commerce in a Changing China and the Changing World
A Kaleidoscope of China: An Advanced Reader of Modern Chinese (Princeton Language Program: Modern Chinese)
It is an advanced Chinese-language textbook that gives students a greater command of Chinese while deepening their understanding of the social and cultural issues facing China today.
Advanced Business Chinese, Economy and Commerce in a Changing China and the Changing World
- Read the Table of Contents in PDF (3 pages)
Read the Introduction in PDF (5 pages)
Read an excerpt from Unit One in PDF (19 pages)
A Kaleidoscope of China: An Advanced Reader of Modern Chinese (Princeton Language Program: Modern Chinese)
It is an advanced Chinese-language textbook that gives students a greater command of Chinese while deepening their understanding of the social and cultural issues facing China today.
普通話做報告 Presentation in Mandarin
Presentation一般都有具吸引力的PowerPoint slides,準備這些slides的時候,首先要了解客戶的背景、需要,自己產品/公司的優勢(劣勢也要心知,萬一客戶提問如何化解),如何為客戶提供量身定做的服務,有哪些案例分享。盡量多地收集資料,寫出框架,再加入材料使之有血有肉,然後加入圖片圖表美化它。
在說的時候,有些同學往往習慣於用英文的思維,甚至在腦子裡把英文翻譯成廣東話再翻譯成普通話。這樣一來,可以說的內容就不多了。所以,我們需要練習如何speak out:
Presentation一般都有具吸引力的PowerPoint slides,準備這些slides的時候,首先要了解客戶的背景、需要,自己產品/公司的優勢(劣勢也要心知,萬一客戶提問如何化解),如何為客戶提供量身定做的服務,有哪些案例分享。盡量多地收集資料,寫出框架,再加入材料使之有血有肉,然後加入圖片圖表美化它。
- 翻譯的語言是否通順 (英文的句法和中文不同,注意句子結構對稱等)
- 文字風格是否一致(有時候文縐縐,有時候突然口語化,就不那麼好看)
- 表達是否合乎中國人的習慣(例如國內人說 ”萬“ 而非 “十千”)
- 文字不用寫得太多,適當加入圖表、圖像更具吸引力
- 標點符號、字體、繁體簡體等細節(句號、頓號、逗號...)
在說的時候,有些同學往往習慣於用英文的思維,甚至在腦子裡把英文翻譯成廣東話再翻譯成普通話。這樣一來,可以說的內容就不多了。所以,我們需要練習如何speak out:
- 練習一些常用語(例如,今天很高興向您介紹...公司...產品,產品的優勢在哪、能給您帶來...好處)
- 加入連接詞(例如,首先、其次、再次、然後)
- 按照需要,可以寫notes,並加上拼音
- 準備一些案例分享(slides所寫的往往是概述,當客戶有興趣知道深層次的內容時候,就需要案例,有經驗的介紹者往往有很多成功案例供客戶參考)
- 及時吸引客戶的注意力(適當的時候提提問題,例如:你在工作中有沒有遇過..問題,我們的產品可以解決這個問題)
- 可流利表達者,還可以注意語言的抑揚頓挫
- 讓老師錄音一次,然後反复聽錄音。
- 自己多練習(rehearsal), 讓老師看看有什麼改進的地方。
- 準備客戶可能提出的問題及充分考慮後的答案(寫出Q&A list)。
Friday, April 5, 2013
Glossary of Financial Terms English Chinese
Banking and finance professionals may often feel it is difficult to communicate industry specific terms in their jobs, I would like to share with you a glossary of Financial Terms. You can find the basic ones like equities, funds, bonds, derivatives, IPOs, M&A and FX, as well as the specific terms like CPI, RSI. The link is
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