Sunday, December 18, 2011



從最近期的說起吧,前幾天剛見過的來自傳媒界的馬來西亞女孩子, 為了事業和愛情,她來到香港,英文很好,中文也不甘落後。每次我們的課程開始之前,她都認認真真地用中文寫下生活的點滴,然後在課上說給我聽,我們再重新練習。她曾在金融報紙實習,常有報導付梓,剛剛找到了新的工作,一個很好的開始!

幾個月前,以前的一個英國學生又找到了我, 我們有兩年沒有見面了,真的很開心!他仍然是做 M&A,但更加忙碌。當年,是他引導我開始看與併購有關的各行業入門知識,銀行、會計、法律等等,直到後來開始教授金融普通話。 這兩年,很多事情都改變了,不變的是,他仍然熱衷於學習普通話,所以...我們又見面了。說起最近他參加的婚宴,西方人在婚禮絕不會遲到,而東方人所謂“七時迎賓,八時開席”其實要到八點多才能吃飯。除了語言、工作之外,東西方的文化差異也是我們談論的話題。

還有一個常常見面的山頂小男孩,讀 pre-school,他的爸爸媽媽都是很友善的外國人,一點也不會中文,可他們懂得中文對下一代的重要性,所以找到我來教他們至愛的兒子。因為他,我常常去中央圖書館查資料,用普通話來講述他有興趣的話題,比如飛機和Lego。我們一起砌飛機場、各種型號的飛機 、太空船、卡車等。不知不覺中,他的普通話提高了。如果,將來我有一個兒子,我也會這麼熱情和耐心地教他吧。

另一個學生,是在我住所附近的小女孩, 就讀ESF學校。與大部分中產父母一樣,她的父母親希望她全面發展,有很多補習班要上,普通話、游泳、溜冰、話劇、鋼琴... .... 所幸,都是小女孩所喜歡的項目。我們上課的內容,主要是練習聽說讀寫。我用中文說小故事給她聽,讓她重述並回答一些小問題;我還讓她寫週記,說說一週內發生的趣事,不是很多英基小朋友可以寫出三頁紙的週記呢。


Thursday, November 10, 2011

A girl from Malaysia

Several months ago, a graceful girl from Malaysia found me to study Mandarin. She wants to practise Business Mandarin focusing on journalism/media matters.

We read Chinese newspapers and understand basic Financial terminology. She works very hard and do well preparations before each lesson.  I can see her Mandarin improve a lot.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The tide goes up and down


Sunday, July 3, 2011

Mandarin Interview

香港的打工族都經歷過找工作、面試這個過程。有些人在辭去上一份工作之前,已經找到了新工作,準備面試的時候,往往自信滿滿,躊躇滿志;而有些人可能中間有一些空白期(between jobs),那麼可以一邊找工作,一邊提高自己的語言能力。

跟我學普通話的一些同學,也有些是經歷空白期的,甚至都是專業人士。 究其原因,金融海嘯、換了工作地點、轉行、不願意做偏離career path的工作等等。 而我自己也曾經歷過一段黑暗歲月,所以非常了解between jobs時,求職人士的心情,也積累了一些面試常問問體,可以跟大家分享。

Thank you for teaching me Chinese

H小姑娘在加拿大出生長大,所以一年前剛來香港讀書的時候很不習慣。於是,我為她補習中文。 這次考試,她的中文有了很大的進步。


謝謝她的禮物papabubble。謝謝小卡片上的 Thank you for teaching me Chinese。

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Stroke Order 笔顺

Chinese characters are formed by strokes.  Strokes are in certain directions. For example, the horizontal stroke is from left to right and the vertical stroke is from top to bottom.

The strokes to from a character also have a certain order called “stroke order”.

Basis Rules of Stroke Order:
1. The horizontal stroke first and then the vertical stroke 
2. The left-falling stroke first and then the right-falling stroke 
3. The top first and then the bottom
4. The left first and then the right
5. The outside first and then the inside



1. 先横后竖
2. 先撇后捺
3. 先上后下
4. 先左后右 
5. 先外后内

A French Girl Interested in Chinese Culture and Language

C is from France, kind, gentle, with artistic temperament.She is versatile and interested in Chinese culture and language.  

We talk about Chinese cities, French culture, business topics (such as greetings, exchanging name cards, telephone talks, meetings) and so on. I also point out some Chinese grammars to help her make sentences more fluently.

Dear C, hope you can learn more characters and know more about China.   You can do it!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Business Mandarin

Bought two books, both are business Mandarin related.

買了兩本書,都是Business Mandarin有關的。 希望可以跟普通話同好們交流更多!



Sunday, March 20, 2011

Learning Language Through Play

Recently I read a book named "Learning Through Play: Language --A Practical Guide for Teaching Young Children"  by Susan Miller and applied its principle to my teaching.

Building a car with TB (in Mandarin)
HN's little princess (in Chinese)


Saturday, February 26, 2011

A British Guy Who is Learning Mandarin

最近我有一个新的学生T。T 是英国人,高高的个子,很绅士的样子。读中学的时候他开始接触中文,从此爱上了这门语言。他去过中国的很多地方,颇懂得一些中国的传统文化。


Recently I got a new student T, a tall gentleman who came from England.   T began to learn Chinese in high school and was fascinated by this language.  He has been to many places in China, and learned about some Chinese traditional cultures.

T hopes to improve his listening and speaking skills in Mandarin. Therefore I suggest he talking about topics such as hobbies, experiences, ideal life, working and life.   Then  I write down commonly used sentences, explain the usages and ask him to practise.  He is very diligent and keeps making improvements.