Wednesday, September 17, 2014

法律普通話 Putonghua for Legal Service

分享一本書,萬里出版社2014年5月出的《法律普通話》,在書展看到就買了下來。 書的內容涵蓋:  
I'd like to share a book here which has the following contents:
1. 貨款與抵押 Loan and mortgage
2. 房地產交易 real estate transactions
3. 集資上市  IPO
4. 商業事務  Commercial Affairs

This book is not only for lawyers, but also for other professionals deal with Chinese affairs, such as accountants, bankers, real estate and finance professionals. I think the best point in this book is the self-assessment questions, such as the listing issues to consider: the difference between a listed company and a general company, preparation work before listing, restructuring plan, drawback of overseas registered companies.  In addition, the book has an English-Chinese glossary for easier reference.
